Yet another eventful weekend in Amsterdam is almost over, except this will be my last one here for quite some time. On Tuesday Sharon and I will be flying to London Luton airport, where we will spend a glorious eight hours, only to be eventually whisked away to sunny Marrakesh, Morocco!!! I'm starting to get very excited about the trip, but also a little nervous given that I will pretty much spend the next month or so travelling...although I'm supposed to fit school in at some point or another.
Anyway, we went to a few different clubs/lounges this weekend, somehow riding our bikes in the freezing rain to get there no longer deters us. Last night a bunch of us went to Club 11 (on Nov. 11-how apt)--its a very cool club set a little bit outside the city centre so you get a really nice view of Amsterdam as its on, you guessed it, the eleventh floor of a building. It was nice because it was separated into two sections so it had a huge dance floor in one room and more of a lounge in the other--this was key as the music, which I enjoyed, is admittedly an acquired taste, particularly for dancing. So it was nice that we could all hang out for a few hours before the electronic music lovers hit the dance floor and the others went home.

We have attempted to get some work done during the day time but I'm not going to lie, some things never change and my ability to procrastinate is one of them. Although, in my defense, today's shopping expedition was a worthy excuse. Mostly because I needed to go to the pharmacy to stock up on travel drugs, ie, immodium. Of course there was no immodium on the shelf so I had a lovely time trying to explain what I was looking for to (possibly) the only person under the of 40 in Holland who does not speak english. She got it eventually and in broken English exclaimed loudly "OH YOU WANT DIARRHEA PILLS." Right.
Ok so I'm out for the next two weeks in Morocco and then a short stint in London to meet my cousin Sara's new daughter Julia. I hope everyone is safe and happy. Take care.
P oxox
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